Safe & Effective Identification for Pets
A sturdy collar and ID tag aren't always an effective way to identify your pet if they become lost. Microchipping is a way to provide your dog or cat with permanent identification that can't be lost, stolen or damaged.
Microchips allow veterinarians and rescue agencies to access your contact details so that they can notify you that your furry friend has been found.
At Muskoka Bay Animal Clinic, we offer the EIDAP microchip, a widely used product that increases your chances of safely recovering your lost companion.
Microchipping is also a requirement for crossing the border with your pets, ensuring they can be easily identified and returned to you if they become lost while traveling.
Make sure that your pet never leaves home without their ID. Ask your veterinarian about a microchip for your dog or cat.
How does Microchipping Work?
A microchip is a safe, simple form of identification that can significantly increase the chance of a reunion between you and your pet. Each chip has a unique number that is registered to a pet.
A microchip is about the size and shape of a grain of rice. It is injected beneath the surface of your pet's skin between the shoulder blades in a process similar to a vaccination.
The procedure takes only a few minutes and can be completed during any visit to Muskoka Bay Animal Clinic.
We will register your pet’s microchip in the national pet recovery database. Then, to finish the registration process, you simply add your contact information and address to the registry website. We will provide you with complete instructions.
Remember to always keep your information up to date.
EIDAP Microchip
The EIDAP microchip is a trusted solution that enhances the likelihood of safely recovering your lost companion.
If your pet becomes lost and is brought to a veterinary office or shelter, the scanner will read the microchip’s unique ID registration code, allowing your pet to be identified and your information to be retrieved. This facilitates a successful reunion with your beloved companion.
We recommend microchipping for both indoor and outdoor pets. At EIDAP, we are dedicated to happy endings for lost pets, so we encourage you to consider microchipping your pet.